June 29th – Outer Shell Completed

June 29th: Outer Shell Completed By the end of June, the structure of our building could be walked through. It was exciting to explore the building, pointing out where the patient reception, exam rooms, and more would eventually...

June 7th: Beams Erected

June 7th: Beams Erected The completion of our clinic’s scaffolding marked a key structural milestone for our new facility. With the building’s outline completed, our vision for a new, high-tech clinic was really taking...

May 23rd – Foundation

May 23rd: The Foundation is Finished There is something to be said for a company setting a sound foundation — we made sure it was as solid as our commitment to our...

May 1st: Construction Begins

May 1st: Construction Begins We broke ground on the new Kennedy Vision Health Center. From the start, we helped design the layout to precisely match our equipment and staff needs, with a goal of a more streamlined and high-tech experience for all of our...