Eyeglasses serve as a focal point to draw attention, and they work with your hair and clothing to help frame your face. This makes glasses and sunglasses great at defining your look. With a little practice — and some variety to mix things up — you can elevate your attire and adapt your aesthetic to blend with anything, from the changing seasons to classy, formal events.
From Eye Exam to Excellent Eyewear
Some consider a pair of eyeglasses to be a functional device and just correct vision. Not everyone has a mind for fashion, but that mindset does a disservice, because the function-only mindset can lead to a person avoiding their annual eye exam, unless their vision deteriorates so much that it becomes detrimental to their daily life.
Let’s be frank, you want to get your annual exam for a few reasons:
- Annual eye exams are almost always covered by vision benefits or insurance, which is something you’ve already paid for — so why waste the opportunity?
- If the prescription on your current eyeglasses becomes so ineffective that your vision is getting blurry, then you put yourself and others at risk for tasks that require clear sight and a quick response time, like playing sports or driving.
- Your eye doctor can detect many eye diseases before symptoms emerge.
Most vision plans include partial, or even full, coverage for a new pair of frames — so if protecting your eyes means getting your annual exam, why not pick up an extra pair of frames to accessorize your favorite outfits?
Discover Eyewear Styles that Reflect the Real YOU!
In the end, the most important factor in selecting representative eyewear is what you feel comfortable wearing. It’s no secret that confidence stems from what makes us feel at ease, and it’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a visual equilibrium that feels, at its core, “like you.”
It’s important to pay attention to your personality and facial features. Consider your skin tone, hair color and style, and the hues you gravitate toward in your wardrobe. Cooler skin and clothing tones may be better suited for silver, black, or blue frames, while warmer tones often gravitate toward browns and golds. Square faces are usually complemented with rounder frames, and round faces tend to benefit more from more angular or rectangular glasses that add definition.
Don’t Discount Experienced Help
A skilled optician who has worked with a lot of patients has the know-how to make suggestions tailored to each person who comes in looking for help. A thing our staff has learned working with patients: most people know what they want when they see it, but not everyone knows how to vocalize their preferences when they start shopping for frames. A deft hand and experienced eye for fashion can make all the difference in the choices you make.
Don’t Forget Sunglasses: The Eternal Cool
Sunglasses will always be cool. Their darkened lenses partially hide the face, adding an element of mystery. Prescription sunglasses let you own the cool, and they provide crucial protection against the sun’s UV rays that can harm your eyes and increase your risk of developing conditions like cataracts or macular degeneration. If you feel you don’t need new frames, consider a pair of sunglasses instead.
Celebrate Yourself!
In the end, all that matters is that you feel confident in yourself and are comfortable to be around other people. Most people want to put their best foot forward, yet we’ve learned by helping patients that a surprising number of people don’t consider their eyewear to be a key part of their getup. We hope that our readers understand the power a great pair of glasses can have in revitalizing your look, so that you can have greater control over your fashion identity and project the kind of confidence you deserve.